During the barbecue season, the turnover of every slaughterhouse increases. Bernd Miesner, owner of a house slaughterhouse in Northern Germany, has made this his own! The production of the butchery is running at full speed, especially bratwursts and marinated grilled meat are in demand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Bernd Mieser with his 24-hour branch provides fresh food daily. Whether farm shop or vending machine, the vacuum-packed products ensure shelf life, flexibility and a higher turnover.
Advantages of vacuum packed products:
Not only shelf life and freshness are advantages, taste also plays a decisive role. Important flavour carriers, such as meat juices, are completely preserved in vacuum-packed food. The meat or vegetables also remain visually appealing and convince customers when they buy them. The sales packaging looks appealing, with its own label, each package gets its own face. In the meantime, one can no longer imagine this type of packaging without it.